Hellenic Neurosurgery INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS

Hellenic Neurosurgery 

Hellenic Neurosurgery is the official journal of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society. It  is published every 4 months with a frequency of 3 issues per year. It is a peer reviewed, open-access journal, which doesn’t charge publication fees. The field of  interests are clinical and experimental neurosurgery, evolution and history of  neurosurgery, and translational research in neurosciences. The official language of the  journal is English. The journal accepts the following types of articles: Original  studies, Case reports, Review articles, Technical notes, Historical & Socio economical articles, Letters to the Editor and Book reviews. The journal uses single blind peer review. 

All submitted manuscripts are initially assessed by an editor for suitability check.  Papers considered suitable for the journal are then sent for review to independent  expert reviewers to evaluate the scientific quality and novelty of the manuscript. Submitted manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts  Submitted to Biomedical Journals, prepared by the International Committee of  Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Papers are accepted for evaluation on the  understanding that they are original and are not under concurrent consideration by  another journal. 

How to Submit 

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the following address: hnss1966@gmail.com 

Questions about submission should be sent to the Editorial Office to the same e-mail  address. 

Article Types 

This Journal publishes several different article types.  

Original Articles 

Full-length manuscripts on the scope and purpose of the journal will be considered for  publication. As a rule, papers should be divided into sections (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References), and should not exceed  3.500 words (excluding abstract and keywords, figures, tables, captions and  references) with maximum number of 50 references and no more than 8 authors. A structured abstract not exceeding 250 words must be included. Original articles can have a maximum of 8 figures or tables. 

Case Reports 

To be considered for publication, case reports should present rare and unusual cases  of interest. Case reports should be divided into sections (Introduction, Case Report,  Discussion, References) and should not exceed 1.500 words (excluding abstract and  keywords, figures, tables, captions and references). An unstructured abstract not  exceeding 150 words must be included. Case reports can have a maximum of 4 figures or tables. Case reports should not have more than 15 references and no more  than 4 authors. 

Review Articles (including systematic reviews and meta-analyses) 

Review articles must not exceed 6.000 words (excluding abstract and keywords,  figures, tables, captions and references) with maximum 70 references and no more 

than 6 authors. An unstructured or structured abstract not exceeding 250 words must be included. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should follow the guidelines  outlined in the PRISMA statement. 

Technical Notes 

Manuscripts on technical notes should have an unstructured Abstract and  corresponding sections as needed. 

Historical & Socio-economical Articles  

Historical or socio-ecomonical articles of neurosurgical interest may be considered for  publication. These articles shouldn’t exceed 6.000 words (excluding abstract and  keywords, figures, tables, captions and references) with maximum 70 references and  no more than 4 authors. An unstructured abstract not exceeding 150 words should be  provided. 

Letters to the Editor 

Letters to the Editor may be comments from readers related to articles published in  the journal over the last 6 months or other topics of interest including unpublished  original research. The letter should be no longer than 500 words (excluding  keywords, figures, tables, captions and references) with no more than 5 references and  maximum 2 authors. No abstract is needed. 

Book Reviews  

Reviews of books are invited by the editorial board. The maximum length is 800  words of text (not including references) with maximum 2 authors.

Manuscript Preparation 

The submitted manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter which will include  the name, address, and e-mail address of the corresponding author, who is responsible  for the communication with co-authors on the progress and final approval of the  submitted manuscript. The cover letter should also include a statement that the  manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere, and that the corresponding author  certifies that all co-authors have seen and approved the submitted manuscript.  

Title Page 

The title page should include the Title of the manuscript and details about the author.  All authors should include their full name and affiliation on the first page of the  manuscript. One author should be identified as the corresponding author providing full contact information (Name, title, institution, address, telephone, e-mail). Statement on potential conflicts of interest and sources of support of any form should  be included. The role of each contributing author should be also specified. 


Original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses should contain a structured  abstract of no more than 250 words with the following headings: objective, material  and methods, results, conclusion. In narrative reviews, an unstructured abstract with a  limit of 250 words must be included. An abstract in Greek not exceeding 300 words 

should also be provided. Case reports, Historical, Socio-economical manuscripts and 

book reviews should have an unstructured abstract and should be maximum 150  words as previously described. For Letters to the Editor no abstract is needed. 


Please provide 4 to 5 keywords, using American spelling and avoiding general and  plural terms and multiple concepts to be used for indexing purposes. 


Manuscripts should be submitted in Word. Please use normal, plain font (e.g., 12- point Times New Roman, double spaced) with numbered pages. The manuscript  should have the following order: main text; acknowledgments; references.  


Abbreviations should be defined in full when first mention and used thereafter. References 

References should be listed in the reference list in order they appear in the text.  Within text they should appear in in square brackets, i.e., [1,2], [1,2, 4-8] or [1-3]. List  all the authors of the reference. The titles of journals, textbooks, or book chapters should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. The journal  permits accepted but not yet published articles to be included in the references list as  “(in press)”. 

Examples of reference style: 


Liu W, Ni M, Jia W, Wan W, Tang J. Evidence-based medicine in neurosurgery: an  academic publication view. Neurosurg Rev. 2018; 41: 55-65. 


Author 1; Author 2. Book Title or Title of the chapter and book title, 3rd ed.;  Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, Year; pp. 154–196. 

Internet source 

Reference should be provided in full, including both the title of the website and the  URL, and the date the site was accessed. 


Figures should be of high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300  dpi for color) and submitted as TIFF or JPEG files. Please ensure that each figure has  a caption.  


Tables should be submitted as editable text (preferable Word) and not as images. 

Tables should be placed on a separate page(s) at the end of the text after the reference  list. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text  Videos 

Videos should be of high quality, no more than 10 minutes and less than 1GB. Accepted video file types is mp4.

Publication Charges 

There are no publication charges. 

Ethics in publishing 

Studies in humans  

Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement that all human and  studies have been approved by the relevant ethics committee/Institutional Review  Board, and were therefore carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the  World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). The approval reference number  should be included. 

A statement mentioning that the experimental protocol was approved by the  Institutional Review Board, and that all subjects gave informed consent should be  provided. If case Institutional Review Board approval or patient consent were not  obtained, authors must offer an explanation. 

Studies in animals 

Manuscripts that report animal experiments must include a statement stating that the  study was approved by the Institutional Review Board and that the animal care  fulfilled the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of  Laboratory Animal Resources, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research  Council (Washington: National Academy Press, 1996).

Patient Consent 

No identifiable protected health information of any person may be included in any  manuscript submitted to or published to Hellenic Neurosusgrey unless the information  is essential for the published work and the patient has provided written informed  consent. 

Special attention should be given to images that contain identifiable individual patient  characteristics or data head or face characteristics, or where the individual’s name or  other personal details are mentioned. Special care should be taken when children are  concerned. 


Plagiarism is scientific misconduct and will be addressed as such. The journal may  use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is  identified, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on plagiarism will  be followed. In case of extensive plagiarism, appropriate actions will be taken by the  journal. 


Cases of academic fraud, duplicate and redundant publication will be managed according to COPE Guidelines.

Previously Published work 

The authors are responsible to obtain permission to reproduce any previously  published material (i.e. tables, figures), and are responsible for covering any related  costs. 

Transfer of copyright to the ‘’Hellenic Neurosurgery’’ is a condition of publication. Acknowledgments 

Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section  on the title page. The names of funding organizations should be fully provided. 

Article revisions 

Submission of a revised manuscript should include a response to the reviewers file with detailed point-by-point answers to the reviewers queries. Revised Manuscripts  should have tracked or highlighted changes including also the revised Figures and/or  Tables.